WalkingTo Stay Fit or Just For Fun

» Posted on Feb 21, 2012 in Brenda's Banter & Balm, Uncategorized | Comments Off on WalkingTo Stay Fit or Just For Fun

Writers love to weave a tale of secrets, lies, betrayals, murder and      mayhem.  Characters faced with challenges and conflict in their shattered lives, men and women overcoming heartaches and hardships through inner strength, resourcefulness, and assistance from others.


During the thirty days of secrets revealed on the Bandit Creek Books website      http://www.banditcreekbooks.com some very interesting secrets came to light.  Some days tears were shed and other days my side ached from laughing, but I, like many others, enjoyed these tidbits.

Michele Hauf revealed her secret on February 5thI like to exercise.  My, I didn’t see that one coming.  Congratulations, Michele, for reinventing yourself through a healthy diet and daily exercise.  Could you benefit from shifting your thinking like Michele did?

I, too, reinvented myself by joining TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), losing weight to goal, and maintaining that weight loss for six years.  As a KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) I continue to exercise (not daily like Michele) at least three days every week.  I find as a writer that after several hours at the computer my shoulders ache and my behind goes to sleep.  To overcome writer’s butt I love nothing better than walking. If there is two feet of snow on the front lawn, then I head to the treadmill.  Or I pop a Leslie Sansone Walking DVD into the player.

Check out Leslie’s DVDs at http://www.walkathome.com and begin the walking habit.

Whether you’re strolling along a paved city path, jogging to the corner store for a carton of milk, or manoeuvring around ruts on a country lane, there’s nothing more relaxing than listening to nature while admiring the scenery.