The last day of 2012…

» Posted on Dec 31, 2012 in Brenda's Banter & Balm | Comments Off on The last day of 2012…

December 31st…the last day of 2012.  And what a year it has been for me!

My main resolution for 2012 was to become a published author. Thanks in huge part to encouragement, support and friendship from my writing pals from CaRWA (the Calgary chapter of Romance Writers of America), I achieved this goal on March 17th (fitting for a gal of Irish heritage) with the release of War Bride on Amazon . My story, Lucy’s April Fools, followed in the Bandit Creek anthology, Fool’s Gold released on April 1st. My Bandit Creek story, A Bandit Creek Miracle , was released on May 15th as part of the wonderful Bandit Creek Books Series. Being a member of the Bandit Creek Book Series taught me so much about Indie publishing and all that it entails, and I’ll be forever thankful that I was included in that wonderful project. As a result of this experience, four more of my contemporary novels were released in 2012. I’m especially proud of Love To The Rescue, of which I’m sharing half of my royalties with Humane Society shelters. No stopping me now.

What’s on the agenda for 2013? More writing, more book releases. I’m currently working on a couple of contemporary stories that weren’t completed in time for a 2012 release. I’ll publish them on Amazon sometime next year. But the truly exciting, upcoming project is my Spirit Creek Series. Yep, I’m concentrating on historical American west romance (my first love) in the New Year.

The Spirit Creek Series is set in the fictional Montana town of Spirit Creek, located a few miles south of Miles City in the south-east part of the state.  Book One, NO MORE, takes place in 1889, the year Montana received its statehood. The story centers on the sheriff’s widow left destitute by her late husband’s lies and deceptions. Book Two, NO TIME, continues the series with the story of the newly-elected sheriff’s fiancée. Book Three, NO CHANCE, tells the tale of the bank manager’s daughter, a finishing school graduate and female piranha who is out to find herself a suitable husband. More storylines for Spirit Creek books are simmering on the back burner of my mind, including NO TIES about the new schoolmarm in town. Seems the local male population keeps marrying the school teachers and finding replacements has become a full-time job for the school committee chairman. There’s no telling who he might unwittingly hire.

2013 is looking promising for me, and I hope you’re making plans and resolutions and setting goals for yourself, too.  You can accomplish anything you set your mind to if you’re willing to work hard, learn all you can about it, and then fearlessly jump in with both feet. Worked for me. 🙂

Happy Reading and Happy New Year, Everyone!