» Posted on Oct 22, 2014 in Brenda's Banter & Balm | Comments Off on THE BIG ONE CRAFT SALE IN BRANDON, MANITOBA CANADA HELD OCT 18/19

I’ve just returned home after attending this craft sale (and spending a couple days visiting with friends and relatives as well). The record-breaking attendance numbers didn’t translate into record sales for many vendors, but the two-day event proved to be a lot of fun!

As you know, I donate 50% of my author royalties from Love To The Rescue to local humane society shelters, and thus, the Brandon Humane Society received the shared royalty proceeds from this sale. I’m happy to announce I sold 19 copies of this book and rounded up the royalty share to $5 per copy. On Monday morning, I stopped by the Brandon Humane Society Shelter and presented them with a $95.00 donation.

Here, I am presenting the check to Liz Anderson,

a shelter employee,

holding a four-month-old female Lab cross named Haven,

one of the adoptable dogs at the shelter.


Haven is thinking it over.

Yep, a big wet kiss on the ear for me. 

I believe that was her doggie version of ‘thank you for the donation’.

Haven, you’re very welcome!  

If you live in Brandon or surrounding area, and you’re interested in acquiring a new four-footed family member, drop around to the Brandon Humane Society at 2200 – 17th Street East and meet the dogs and cats available for adoption. Hey, maybe you could adopt my new buddy, Haven!

A special thank you to my booth mate and fellow author, Doreen Winona Logeot.

Also, congratulations to Jennifer Taylor, the winner of our gift basket draw.

Happy reading!