Only four more days until another wonderful
Bandit Creek Book is released.
Coming on February 15th from Roxy Boroughs
is A Stranger’s Kiss.
Check out for
Carla Roma’s interview with Roxy and go to to buy.
SAM HUTCHINSON was once motivated by power and money. But after his son’s murder, he alternates between losing himself in a bottle of scotch and researching James Ryan Morley, the still-at-large killer of the boy Sam never had time for in life. Broken and desperate, Sam traces Morley’s roots to Bandit Creek, Montana and an addict who once sheltered him.
There, against a serene mountain backdrop, he finds the woman’s resourceful daughter, Amy Tesher, and her eleven-year-old child, Renee. Lies are Amy’s camouflage—her age, her name, even the identity of her child’s father—all fabricated to escape the secrets of her past.
Unaware of Sam’s real mission, she takes him into her boarding house. Just as Morley returns to take possession of Amy…and her daughter.