It’s a girl…again

» Posted on Jul 7, 2013 in Brenda's Banter & Balm | 1 comment

NEVER A BRIDE SW I just released Book Three, Never A Bride, in the Escape To Alaska Trilogy. It felt like I’d given birth to triplets, all girls, named Cassidy, Jeannie, and Debbie.

If you’ve read the books, or are reading them, you learned that these three friends are very interesting women coming from very diverse backgrounds. But all of them are caring, kind-hearted, hard-working individuals. Each woman will be an excellent mother, like Cassidy has become. These women value relationships and friendships, and they are gals any woman would love to call her girlfriend, too.

Most of all, these women are strong and independent. Each of them will overcome adversity with conviction, rewarded with their ‘Mr. Right’. I know, now I’ve given it away. But really, how else would a happily-ever-after novel end? Each of these women faces a different set of challenges. To learn what those obstacles are and how they win the man of their dreams, you’ll have to read the books.

While I’ve never been to Alaska or Anchorage, I researched the daylights out of the place before and during the writing of this trilogy. I feel like I’ve visited Anchorage three times, right alongside my heroines.

I can visualize the Ted Stevens International Airport where I landed late at night and caught a cab to the Anchorage Hilton right downtown—the same place where Cassidy’s father, Mr. Donahue, stayed. Hey, while using your imagination, money is no object, right? ESCAPE TO ALASKA BOOK ONE PIC

I’ve dined at Endless Nights (my characters’ favorite high-end restaurant in Anchorage) on several occasions. While being seated, I heard the gentle sound of water cascading down the waterfall feature situated in the middle of the dining area, and I gazed up at the white fairy lights that twinkled above my head in the dimly-lit room. The tropical- getaway décor felt immensely relaxing. I savored the tantalizing aroma of the juicy, perfectly-cooked steak that the waitress, Ruby, set in front of me. My mouth waters just remembering it. That Patricia Graham is one heck of an excellent chef! Ruby earned her generous tip, as always.

Naturally, I headed over to Gold Diggers for a nightcap after my excellent dinner. The bouncer, over two hundred pounds of muscle on a sexy six-foot-six frame, recognized me and I sailed past him with a ‘good evening’ greeting. No more heart palpitations like I experienced the first time I entered the bar. Now I look forward to seeing that Kodiak bear, and I patted his paw when I crossed through the entryway. So brave of me. Of course, my ursine friend has been dead for years.

Sherry Lawrence waited on me and brought me a Harvey Wallbanger, the drink Clayton served Cassidy after her first shift at the bar in Book One, Not What It Seems. Mmm, it tasted so good; Clayton is an excellent bartender. If I had a dollar for every Harvey Wallbanger I’ve drunk in my lifetime… But I digress. 

Randy Rock, dressed head to toe in black, sang country tunes on stage, and I leaned back in my comfy upholstered chair and listened while I sipped my cocktail. At another table to my left sat Terry and Jeannie Wilson, the couple featured in Book Two, Almost Doesn’t Count.

ESCAPE TO ALASKA BOOK TWO PICAfter Randy’s last song, he settled into a chair beside Terry and they invited me to join them at their table. These people are such nice folks! Of course, when I paid my tab I included a generous tip for Sherry, her being a single mother and all. Remember, money was no object in my little fantasy. After extending everyone a pleasant goodnight, hugs all around, I grabbed a cab and headed back to my hotel.

Next day, I spent an exorbitant amount of money shopping at the Anchorage 5th Avenue Mall (fantasy dollars again) and then I grabbed some lunch at the airport while waiting for my flight. Such pleasant memories. Maybe I’ll visit again, when Jeannie or Debbie has a baby! Or not.

Readers, I cannot tell you how much I’ve loved writing this trilogy. I hope everyone enjoys these stories for years to come. Happy reading!

And now, it’s on to my next project. 

Note to readers:

The Ted Stevens International Airport is an actual place, as is the Anchorage 5th Avenue Mall and the Hilton Anchorage.

 Sorry, folks, if you travel to Anchorage, you’ll be disappointed to learn that the Endless Nights restaurant and the Gold Diggers bar don’t exist. You’ll have to find somewhere else to dine or drop by for a cocktail.

Lastly, Howard Rock founded the Tundra Times, a newspaper forum for native peoples, but Randy Rock and Annie Rock are characters totally borne of my imagination, as are all the other characters in this trilogy.

 Links to the books exclusive to Amazon:

 Not What It Seems

 Almost Doesn’t Count

 Never A Bride


1 Comment

  1. Loved the trilogy but once Sherry finishes her degree then she needs her romance so maybe there’s a new book there.