Everything in balance

» Posted on Dec 5, 2013 in Brenda's Banter & Balm | Comments Off on Everything in balance


As an author, I write. A lot. Almost every day. It’s what I do. I love it. But we are encouraged constantly to balance all aspects of our lives. And it’s true. So, tonight I’ll be taking time to sit back, relax, and enjoy a TV program I’ve been looking forward to for weeks now, ever since I first heard the advertisement.  A live show. On TV. The Sound of Music!

I’ve watched a program on the making of this production. Huge! And I’ve happened upon some of the stars doing interviews on talk shows and whatnot. Carrie Underwood OMG.

I cannot tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this three hour live production tonight (Thurs. Dec. 5). Check your TV listings! I’ve also set my PVR. This one will be a keeper. Now, I just have to make the popcorn!