So what’s The Thurston Hotel Series about?
The Thurston Hotel Series has nothing to do with CaRWA as a chapter of RWA. But I tapped into the pool of outstanding published authors within the group to mentor four members who had previously not published a book. Eleven of us signed on to participate, with me bookending the series with books 1 and 12. In my opinion, every author and every book in the series is a winner.
Thurston Thursdays are Coming!
Starting Sept. 29th, a book in the 12 book Thurston Hotel Series
will be available every Thursday on Amazon.
How did this series come about? For several years, I’ve served on the board of directors for CaRWA, my local RWA chapter. Our membership lady had repeatedly spoken of doing another group project since a previous one, the Bandit Creek Series, had been so much fun. At the same time, I’d been harping about a need to mentor our new authors. Everyone agreed those were great ideas, but nothing had come of it.
Last January, it occurred to me that the best way to achieve both goals was doing another series with the assistance of several published authors and inviting unpublished group members to participate as a means to mentor them. Voila! The Thurston Hotel Series was born as payback if you will, for present and past CaRWA authors who’d mentored several new authors, including me, when we participated in the Bandit Creek Series back in 2011.
How often have we heard the phrase ‘better late than never’?
Some things in life try our patience. Reading books in a series and then having to wait for the next one to be released can be difficult and trying and annoying. Especially if you have issues with patience. Or if the author gives you a timeline and then life gets in the way and you have to wait longer still.
This has been the case with the final book in the Spirit Creek Series. And for that, I sincerely apologize. But, alas, it is now available, in ebook only at present, on Amazon at this link and will be available in print later in the year.
Autumn… my favorite time of the year
The blistering days of sunscreen applications and nasty weather watches on the weather channel are behind us. Replaced, of course, with a slight nip in the morning air, cool afternoon breezes and an occasional frost warning.
Autumn. My favorite time of the year, especially with Mother Nature wearing her prettiest clothes in reds, oranges and golds. I’ve always loved autumn. Could this be because my favorite color is orange? Of course, my favorite flower is the tiger lily and I love those adorable ginger-colored kittens. But I digress.
Autumn means hearty stews and healthy soups made from recently harvested root veggies like beets, carrots, turnips and potatoes. (Of course, I don’t garden anymore. And there is no better reason to support your local Farmers’ Markets.)
Spirit Creek Series Update
The year is 1/6 over! I cannot believe March is here already! Time flies when you’re having fun. And I am having so much fun writing the Spirit Creek Series that I haven’t posted anything new here in months! Please accept my apologies! Here are a few words on my journey with this series.
The title, No More, has never changed since the first draft over ten years ago, but the plotline evolved over time and several scenes were cut. Of course being of the opinion that this ‘brilliant writing’ *wink, wink* couldn’t be lost forever, I toyed with the idea of writing a trilogy. And some of the rejected scenes went into book two. Then the trilogy morphed into a six book series when plotline ideas wouldn’t stop popping into my head! I suppose that’s a good thing. I prepare a detailed plot summary (yes, I’m a plotter) of each book before I start writing. And I write down ideas for scenes as they occur to me, but plotline changes are constantly evolving even as I write.