» Posted on Feb 24, 2016 in Brenda's Banter & Balm | Comments Off on BETTER LATE THAN NEVER

How often have we heard the phrase ‘better late than never’?

Some things in life try our patience. Reading books in a series and then having to wait for the next one to be released can be difficult and trying and annoying. Especially if you have issues with patience. Or if the author gives you a timeline and then life gets in the way and you have to wait longer still.

This has been the case with the final book in the Spirit Creek Series. And for that, I sincerely apologize. But, alas, it is now available, in ebook only at present, on Amazon at this link and will be available in print later in the year.

No Hope is the final book in the six book Spirit Creek Series, which actually ended up being seven books including the Christmas novella, No Peace. This novella wasn’t in the original game plan, but when a character kept attempting to take center stage away from the actual hero in No Ties, I had to promise him his own story.

I would like to thank everyone who purchased and read all of the books in the Spirit Creek Series, and I would especially thank those of you who posted a review on Amazon and on Goodreads. Authors love writing books, and when we learn through reviews how much you enjoyed reading our work, it makes the long days and sleepless nights spent tapping the keys on our laptops well worth it.

I am currently working on a multi-author project which I will be telling you about in late summer. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy No Hope.

Happy reading!