Happy New Year Fun List

» Posted on Jan 3, 2014 in Brenda's Banter & Balm | Comments Off on Happy New Year Fun List




The holiday season has drawn to a close. People are returning to work and the kids are returning to school. It’s time to get back into a routine. In 2012 and 2013, I concentrated all my writing efforts toward contemporary romance, but in 2014 I’ll be working on my historical western romance project, The Spirit Creek Series.


I love writing romance novels. Here’s a fun list inspired by another nightly top ten list we are all familiar with.




10. It is 3 a.m. and you’re seated in your office, clicking the keys on your laptop because you just have to finish this scene before bed.


9. Browsing the aisles in Chapters, Barnes and Noble, or Staples is your idea of a fun shopping trip.


8. While you’re sitting in Tim Horton’s having your favorite beverage, several good-looking police officers walk in and your first thought is RESEARCH.


7. You have been busy and haven’t written a word in two days, and you’re going into withdrawal.


6. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, you’re busy at your laptop, writing, still wearing your pajamas.


5. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, you’re still writing, still wearing the pajamas, having decided it’s too late to bother getting dressed now anyway.


4. You’ve burned several pots of dinner because you decided to ‘just check my email’ while it finished cooking.


3. You’ve been so busy writing that you’ve been ignoring your family to the point that even the dog is giving you the evil eye.


2. You agree to leave your laptop at home during a family outing, and then start to hyperventilate.


1. Whenever someone asks you what you do, without a moment’s hesitation you say I’m an author.