Starting Sept. 29th, a book in the 12 book Thurston Hotel Series
will be available every Thursday on Amazon.
How did this series come about? For several years, I’ve served on the board of directors for CaRWA, my local RWA chapter. Our membership lady had repeatedly spoken of doing another group project since a previous one, the Bandit Creek Series, had been so much fun. At the same time, I’d been harping about a need to mentor our new authors. Everyone agreed those were great ideas, but nothing had come of it.
Last January, it occurred to me that the best way to achieve both goals was doing another series with the assistance of several published authors and inviting unpublished group members to participate as a means to mentor them. Voila! The Thurston Hotel Series was born as payback if you will, for present and past CaRWA authors who’d mentored several new authors, including me, when we participated in the Bandit Creek Series back in 2011.
The Thurston group of authors consists of published authors: Brenda Sinclair, Sheila Seabrook, Shelley Kassian, M. K. Stelmack, Alyssa Linn Palmer, Katie O’Connor, and Suzanne Stengl. Our four previously unpublished authors are Maeve Buchanan, Win Day, Ellen Jorgy, and Jan O’Hara. Having now completed a manuscript and provided a copy to RWA, our four soon-to-be published authors and M. K. Stelmack added 5 new PRO (Professional) authors to our CaRWA membership. Now, I believe 23 of our 33 members are either PAN or PRO!
I cannot be more proud of the Thurston published authors who willingly mentored their counterparts by providing critiques, suggestions and guidance in all areas of writing and marketing, and of all our authors for meeting deadlines and completing their manuscripts. And thanks to Win Day for providing her expertise to several members with website design and setting up author pages, etc. Thanks to Katie O’Connor for setting up our Facebook page. And another huge thank you to Win for creating and managing our Thurston project website where you will find information on the series and can view the book covers and authors’ info.
Stay tuned this week for more posts about the series.